Tuesday 11 December 2012

Life is A Bed Of Roses

Why isn't my life smooth-sailing after I believe in Jesus? Isn't He supposed to make my life better? Didn't He promise abundant life? If He doesn't give me a trouble-free life, why should I believe in Him? We all desire to live comfortably, with no care in the world, but is having a stress-and pain-free life the answer to that? Let's take a cue from nature.

If your house was on fire, and everything in it burnt to a crisp, what do you expect would survive? I'd guess the pottery or ceramics. have you ever wondered why? It is because they have been through the same extreme temperatures and survived. We are confident that they will have no problem in the face of the same danger , because they have triumphed over the same predicaments.

Jesus wants you to have abundant life, and the only way that's going to happen is if you triumph over whatever life throws your way. Do you really think that taking away all your troubles will make your life better? I think it will do just the opposite. Believing in Jesus means you will have Jesus as your defense and source of strength as you go through life. It's the knowledge that God is watching over me and that no harm will befall me without His permit. That gives me peace.

Life is a bed of roses, just don't forget about the thorns. In fact, the thorns are actually what we remember most about the roses, that remind us of their beauty. Isn't how it is designed wonderful?

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